So this penchant of mine for being hilariously funny (in my own head at least and to my 1 year old daughter) off the wall, blunt, and my "I don't give a crap" attitude has taken a backseat for the last year now. If you'll scroll down a post and notice the date, it's been almost 1 year to the day since I've last posted. My reason you ask? I know to some of you there is not one good reason on God's green Earth that I could have left you...some new man? a hot new job? new boobs? (not yet, but soon) The reason for my lacksadazical approach to my "home away from home"..my daughter. Scroll down again and take a look at her b-e-a-utiful face. Don't stare too hard or you'll catch a glimpse of my pickachu that my digital-camera-retarded Mother caught. "Oh my God, Meghan!" is her answer to my picking on her. She might've done it on purpose to give the world a glance at what they'll never have, she could've been trying to get a close up of the tattoo I've sworn up and down to my Aunt that I DO NOT have, or she might just be physically incapable of operating the zoom function on my camera. Eitherway, the main thing is that you can see my Addi Greyce. **Back on to the topic now**
I've taken this last year and just simply enjoyed the laid-back country feel of my new life as a Mother and wife. Waking up beside my "lovies" as I refer to my husband and daughter has been an absolute blessing and my saving grace. Two years ago you could've caught my closing down the local honky-tonk and sneaking back into my own apartment at about dawn. No, I wasn't the loose hussy that everyone could've sworn I was. I just love to dance. 99% of the time I'd not even had a drop of alcohol. Ok, I did sleep with this one chick's boyfriend. ONE TIME! It was a mistake and I so regret it....he wasn't even that good; or well endowed. SHUT UP, MEGHAN! Sorry, there are those impulsivities again. Maybe I need meds. Back AGAIN to tonight's subject.
Addisen has been the most love I've ever known. She is the smartest baby I've ever met and I'm more in love with her today than I was yesterday. She knows her sign language (we watch Baby Einstein), and her personality is so hilarious and fun-loving. She is my child. Ok, I know every mommy that has ever walked this Earth has said the same things about their spawns, well I don't assume Andrea Yates felt the same, Sorry! Bad joke. If you haven't met my Addi, you need to. Her smile lights up the room and her laughter is God's way of telling me I've done something right in my life.
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